Let's go through the simple and FREE steps to set this all up.
1 - Download and Set Up TikFinity
Download the Windows TikFinity desktop app here: https://tikfinity.zerody.one/app/?aff=wgmojo
Click the setup page and log in. Now scroll down the setup page and make sure your TikTok account is also connected.
2 - Create Three Actions
Head to the Actions & Events page and click "Create new Action".
Copy the settings from the screenshot below, then scroll down and set the duration to 5 seconds. Ignore any other options and ignore the warning you get and save the action.

Now click on the duplicate button to the left of your "New Follower" action. Then click the pencil-shaped edit button. Copy the screenshot below then save your action!

Now duplicate your action one last time and edit the action. Copy the screenshot below then save your action!

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3 - Create New Events
Click "Create new Event" and copy each of the screenshots below.

4 - Configure Screen Settings
Scroll down to "Overlay Screen Settings" and change the Max queue length of Screen 1 to 1,000. You may have to do this twice to save it properly. This will put any new gifts, follows and subs into a queue if they happen at the same time.
5 - Add Screen to LIVE Studio, OBS or Streamlabs
We must now display the alerts to viewers on the livestream.
Click on the blue link to copy screen 1 to your clipboard.

Now inside LIVE Studio, OBS or Streamlabs you must add a new link/browser source. Click add source and choose the link source (LS) or browser source (OBS/SL). Paste your link with ctrl+v into the box. The default settings are fine.
You will see a new source named "Link", "Browser" or similar. Click on it and you can drag it around your screen to place it.
Test Your Alerts
To test your alerts, scroll to the bottom of the Actions & Events page on TikFinity. Click on "Simulate Follow" or the other simulation options. Then quickly switch to LS, OBS or SL and you will see your new alert on the screen!
Check out my in-depth TikFinity video to learn more about TikFinity. You can also reach me via the links below!
Thanks for reading!
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