Here's how to stream to multiple platforms at the same time including TikTok, Twitch, YouTube and Facebook.
We do this using Streamlabs Prime. Sign up through this link to get $10 off.
I use Prime myself. Prime saves computing power and upload speed compared to free methods. You can use just one client and 6Mbps of upload speed to go live on 5 platforms. You also get a whole host of other benefits with Prime such as free graphics.
1: Get Streamlabs Prime
Go here to get Prime. Your discount will be applied at checkout. You will have to log in with one of your social media accounts. I log in with YouTube.
2: Link Accounts
Before downloading Streamlabs. Go to the Account Settings page in your dashboard. Now link all the accounts you want to multistream on.
Heads up, you need a stream key to stream on TikTok. Check out this article to learn more.
3: Download The Client
Download the Streamlabs client. Once installed, log in with the account you used to buy Prime. If you want to use your Prime benefits, pick one of the themes in the top left corner.
4: Set Up The Client
Press the + button next to "Sources" at the bottom and add whatever you want. I suggest a screen capture and webcam capture to show your camera and screen. Make sure your microphone is added as a source too if it isn't already.
5: Go LIVE On Multiple Platforms!
Now just hit the "Go LIVE" button in the bottom right and select which platforms you want to stream on. Once you've typed the relevant information you will be live on multiple platforms!
6: Read Your Chats
Once live, your chats are all in the "multistream" tab right inside Streamlabs. The exception is TikTok, I suggest viewing it from your phone. You can also see all your alerts there too.
If you need further help join me in Discord or check out my Fiverr page.
Thanks for reading!